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Avatar Mybloglog

DSCN2548 Avatar mybloglog  is the face profile image visitors who commented on our blog. And visitors who make comments are member of mybloglog, a social bookmarking site that is very popular. 

I have provided avatar mybloglog widget on this template, but if you are interested to put it on your other blog, I'll give you a guide below.

On the Edit HTML, please smear Expand Widget Templates, then place the following code above the code </ head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
Merlinox and Napolux MyBlogLog Avatar Creator
created by Merlinox (
helped by Napolux (
version 0.1 (20061214)
version 0.2 (20061215)
compatible with all blogger blog
function myLayer (x){
//individuo l'oggetto
if(document.layers){ // browser="NN4";
if(document.all){ // browser="IE";
lay=eval("document.all." + x);
if(!document.all && document.getElementById){ // browser="NN6+ or IE5+ if you're willing to dump the !document.all stuff";
return lay;
//lo prendo da blogger
function myBlogAvatar(codiceCommento,autore,stile){
//scrivo lo span
//var myBlogSpan = "myBlog-" + codiceCommento;
//document.write("<span id='" + myBlogSpan + "'><i>myBlogLog...</i></span>");
//metto tutto minuscolo perchè indexOf è case sensitive
if (autore != ""){
alt="MyBlogLog: " + autore;
myBlog = "<a target='_blank' href=\"" + autore + "\" rel='nofollow'><img src=\"" + autore + "\" alt=\"" + alt + "\" title=\"" + alt + "\" border=\"1\" class=\"myBlogAvatar\"></a>";
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog + myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML;
//myLayer(myBlogSpan).innerHTML = myBlog;
After that look for the code <b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>

Then place the following code after the code above :
<div style='border:0;float:left;margin: 0 5px 0 0;'>
Good Luck !!  Happy

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